Yesterday I went to London's Science Museum.  One of their current exhibitions was called "Plasticity:  100 Years of Making Plastics."  I thought this sounded pretty darn cool.  I tend to dig semi-geeky things.

ANYway...  this photo is of one of the niftiest items in the exhibit:  the Volivik Bic Biro chandelier, made in 2007.  It's exactly what you think it is:  a working chandelier constructed from 347 recycled, black Bic ballpoint pens -- and 347 paper clips.  It was one of 30 made by a Spanish design company (enPieza) as a homage to classic plastic design (the barrels of the Bic pens are made of polystyrene).

I love when people use unexpected, found or recycled materials to make something that's otherwise ordinary.  In fact, I didn't even realize this chandelier was all pens and paperclips until I read the accompanying description.

That's why this is my "Pic Of The Week."


Today I went to see "Bodyworlds" at London's O2 Millenium Dome.  In case you don't know, "Bodyworlds" is a pretty amazing exhibition of actual human bodies that were donated to science and put through the somewhat controversial "plastination" process invented by the [slightly creepy] German Dr. Gunther von Hagens.  In short, plastination uses reactive polymers injected into cells to halt decomposition and allow detailed study and display of the body.

I had hoped to post a photo from the exhibition as my "Pic Of The Week," but alas, we were warned repeatedly that all photography -- and even drawing sketches of any part of the exhibit on paper -- was strictly forbidden.  (I would like to note here that I spotted two people making sketches -- and blocking the view of many people in the process, but I bit my tongue about that.)

n the absence of a photo, here's a link to read about plastination and the type of thing you might see at the exhibition.  "Bodyworlds" tours lots of countries -- and is nowhere near as gruesome as it may sound.  In fact, even the full-grown, plastinated giraffe failed to truly amaze me -- though the size of its anus was remarkable, for some reason.

Definitely check it out if it's in your part of the world...

It is not lost on me that the unusual creator of this whole thing is German -- draw parallels where applicable.


This photo was taken in the city of Bruges, which is in Belgium.  In between eating binges in chocolate shops I shot this pic -- I dig it because if you look in the lower portion of the shot you'll notice a doorway that leads directly into the canal.  I'm guessing there used to be a small platform or dock next to it, but it's more fun to imagine there wasn't.  That's why it's my Pic Of The Week.


This Halloween my husband and I carved a jack-o-lantern together.  This was old stuff for me, but my sweet, British hubbie had NEVER carved a pumpkin for Halloween -- EVER.

What the heck is going on with these British people that a guy can be almost 30 years old and have never carved a Halloween pumpkin?

now THAT'S scary.