Yesterday I went to London's Science Museum.  One of their current exhibitions was called "Plasticity:  100 Years of Making Plastics."  I thought this sounded pretty darn cool.  I tend to dig semi-geeky things.

ANYway...  this photo is of one of the niftiest items in the exhibit:  the Volivik Bic Biro chandelier, made in 2007.  It's exactly what you think it is:  a working chandelier constructed from 347 recycled, black Bic ballpoint pens -- and 347 paper clips.  It was one of 30 made by a Spanish design company (enPieza) as a homage to classic plastic design (the barrels of the Bic pens are made of polystyrene).

I love when people use unexpected, found or recycled materials to make something that's otherwise ordinary.  In fact, I didn't even realize this chandelier was all pens and paperclips until I read the accompanying description.

That's why this is my "Pic Of The Week."

Mr Biro does the marking
11/22/2008 10:45:32 pm

I want one!

Missing the pic of the weeks
12/20/2008 06:07:58 pm

How about a pic of Jesus for Christmas??


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